Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Wide World of E-Scrap — WEEE Edition

Criticism of the WEEE Directive continues, with one key player saying WEEE is "failing to deliver on its original aims." Speaking at a conference in Brussels, Belgium, Axion Recycling's (Bramhall, England) Sales Director, Keith Freegard called for the handling of WEEE waste streams inside of Europe, in part to stem the "level of waste being exported to third world countries."

It's clear that that the WEEE Directive is failing to deliver what it originally set out to do," said Freegard. "That the best treatment, recovery and recycling techniques should be applied to maximize material re-use and to minimize risks to human health and the environment."

A recent story on letsrecycle.com (London), has a WEEE reprocessors warning that the recent market difficulties — in particular the sharp fall in plastics and metals prices — will cause rising prices through the entire WEEE chain.


Source: E-Scrap News, Nov. 6, 2008