In this age of increasing server heat loads, proper cooling of server racks is a new challenge for data center managers. The key to reliable cooling in a data center is to meet the cooling air requirement of each server rack and to ensure an acceptable inlet temperature. There are many cooling solutions available, and choosing the right one that meets the practical and budgetary restrictions is not always easy.
A recent Gartner study has revealed that most IT users are lacking the complete picture when it comes to environmentally friendly technology and how best to pursue a greener future. In this study, Gartner offers an outline for the immediate, midterm, and long-term issues to keep in mind. According to the research firm, some of the immediate green IT concerns should include looking into advance cooling technologies and use of modeling and monitoring software. Some midterm issues to focus on over the next two to five years include green IT procurement, videoconferencing, green legislation in data centers, and corporate social responsibility programs. Long-term goals should include carbon offsetting and carbon trading, data center heat recycling, alternative energy sources, and green building design.
Source: Processor.com. 09/26/2008